Damenwahl im Garten Eden - Ladies Selection in the Garden of Eden

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    Jay Sensuelle Peachonfuse Katzenohr BJViceworscht alias Florian Denk presented by Healing Disco Gardening
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  • Damenwahl (women's choice), which is a term for women choosing dance partners, may be one of the oldest women's rights. "The women's choice marks the breakthrough of etiquette, often the highlight of a ball. In sociobiology, the term women's election indicates that it is almost always females in nature who play the crucial role in mate choice" (wikipedia) So it's about that time, female Artists will make everybody dance in the early evening till midnight! The garden of Festsaal Kreuzberg is providing food (-no apples, but barbecue-), drinks and sunny spots.
  • Damenwahl im Garten Eden - Ladies Selection in the Garden of Eden - フライヤー表
    Damenwahl im Garten Eden - Ladies Selection in the Garden of Eden - フライヤー裏