ASC at Elephant

  • ヴェニュー
    • Festae Omotesando Building B1F, 3-18-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan
  • 日付
    Sat, Sep 8, 201823:00 - 05:00
  • プロモーター
  • 興味がある
    • 67
  • ̸


    =ROOM1= ASC REKI(ELEPHANT) Tatsuoki (Broad) Crazy Neo (White Space Lab) =ROOM2= Quality Adults tamaru ( Huit Etoiles / ELEPHANT ) & kentaro.f HIDEFUMI WATANABE(SPACE FLOWER) Satoshi Matsui (No House?) Gradate (Tokyo Bass Conference) mu”he(ELEPHANT)
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  • 【深化を続けるニュースクール・ミニマルの鬼才 “ ASC ”が来日!!】 多くの才能が集結する地下テクノシーンでも、頭一つ抜き出たクオリティーのプロダクションを、驚異的なスピードでリリースする鬼才中の鬼才"ASC"が、昨年復活した人気テクノ・パーティーELEPHANTに登場!   Delsin、Clone、Rush Hourなどのレーベルからのリリースが好評なアーティスト“conforce"を招聘。400人を越える動員数を記録し、7年ぶりのパーティー復活を華々しく飾ったことも記憶に新しい” ELEPHANT “。   そんな彼らが今回選んだのは、名門SemanticaやArts、Fracture、Exit、Space Cadets、Halo Cyanなど、数々のレーベルから良作を連発し、ミニマル派からベース・ミュージック派までを唸らす実力者ASCだ。   さらに、国内DJも” ELEPHANT “らしい、腕利の精鋭達が集結!! ダークテクノを軸に、メロウで緩急の付いた中毒性の高いDJを得意する” ELEPHANT “の主宰でありレジデントのrekiを筆頭に、長いDJ歴に裏打ちされた、安定感のあるプレイと確かなグルーヴで、VENTでもファンを獲得しつつあるCrazy Neo。論理的な思考でフロアを読みながら最適なチューニングを心掛けたプレイスタイルが評判となり、今年ドイツと韓国からPodcastをリリースし、 更なる活躍を見せているDJであり人気パーティーBroadの主宰 "Tatsuoki"が登場。   ドラムンベースやUKハードコアをはじめ、様々なジャンルを通過したことによって深化した、ディープでミニマルな浮遊間とタイトなドラムプログラムを軸に構築される、地下テクノ"最深部"のヒプノティックな“ ASC ”のプレイと腕利きの国内DJ陣のプレイを是非お見逃しなく!! We keep getting deeper and deeper! Minimal master ASC set to perform at VENT, on September 8th! A master among master producers within the underground Techno scene, ASC is a cut above the rest, pumping out quality tracks at a manic pace. And now he's slated to play at the well renowned Techno party, Elephant, which was resurrected last year. It had been a long seven years when Elephant finally made its resurgence last year. The party was a massive hit, with over 400 in attendance to see Conforce, who has released on labels such as Delsin, Clone, and Rush Hour. This time around, Elephant are bringing in the big guns; ASC, who's style spans from Minimal to bass music, and has released many well respected works on numerous illustrious labels like Semantica, Arts, Fracture, Exit, Space Cadets, and Halo Cyan will be manning the decks at VENT! And that’s not all! Elephant will be bringing in some cutting edge local talent as well. Reki, leader of Elephant, will be spinning some highly addictive, mellow in tempo, yet dark in vibe Techno, while Crazy Neo, who has a long track record as a DJ and has been a crowd-pleaser at VENT, will also be hitting the decks. Also playing will be Tatsuoki, head of the popular party Broad, who is well known and respected for taking a logical approach at performing by expertly reading the audience and fine-tuning as he goes. He's had some success this year via podcasts that were released in Germany and South Korea. Starting with Drum & Bass and UK Hardcore, ASC has traversed deeply through many genres throughout his time. His style incorporates a lofty yet deep, minimal sound with tight drum programming at its core, while adding elements from the depths of underground Techno and hypnotic grooves to form a unique listening experience. We welcome you to join us for night brimming with musical talent from both local and abroad at Omotesando VENT! [ Resident Advisorイベント参加 ] で¥500 OFF ディスカウント実施中! 参加ボタンでディスカウントゲスト登録完了です。 ※当日エントランスにて参加画面をご提示ください。  Attend the RA event for ¥500 off !! Click " Attend " and you are on discount list !! ※You MUST show your mobile phone screen of attending the event page at the entrance. ※VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。 ※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.
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