3hd 2018: Subversion

  • Music has always played an important role in political resistance. Its ability to communicate and raise awareness has effected important societal changes throughout history. As online and offline spaces become increasingly corporatized, 3hd’s “Subversion” event at Berlin’s OHM on October 24, asks what counterculture can do to undermine them. Can these evermore complex systems of exploitation be avoided, evaded and opposed by another subcultural movement today? Of the five artists who reimagine the possibilities for disruption in these newly complicated conditions, Alobhe produces foreboding sonic assaults with an underlying impulse towards exploding genres, while SADAF’s work draws from and subverts the language of auto-fiction, cinema and the artist/muse relationship. Kareem Lofty has consistently sidestepped classification as an artist by working across disciplines and Oxhy makes conscientiously lo-fi, sample-based tracks taking from an environment of scarcity and fear. Andrea Novel’s Ydegirl project is a vehicle for exploring how women have been portrayed through time. 3hd Festival is curated and organized by Creamcake, and made possible with the support of Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
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