Re-Textured | Resident Advisor | Carla Dal Forno, Gesloten Cirkel, Phase Fatale, Sync 24

  • Resident Advisor are teaming up with Re-Textured for two evenings of sonic chaos at The Silver Building in East London. Derelict and squatted for decades—and the site of a good few illegal raves—we’re delighted to be able to host our shows in this Brutalist building. On Saturday night we’ll be kicking off with some of EBM and electro’s key players: Phase Fatale, Gesloten Cirkel, Carla dal Forno and Cultivated Electronics boss Sync 24. A warehouse and some serious noise, what more could you ask for. On Sunday we’ll be nursing our heads with the festival's closing performances. Running from 4 PM through 10 PM, there will be performances from Silvia Kastel (who will DJ), Shackleton (who will play live) and Caterina Barbieri, who will perform one of 2018’s most talked about audiovisual shows alongside Ruben Spini. In addition to the musical programme, we’ll be utilising some of The Silver Building's old-boiler rooms to host works from local visual artists. Re-Textured 2019 will take place from March 28th through 31st across several venues, including E1 London, Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Southbank Centre, 180 The Strand, Village Underground and The Silver Building. More names will be added in the coming months.
  • Re-Textured | Resident Advisor | Carla Dal Forno, Gesloten Cirkel, Phase Fatale, Sync 24 - フライヤー表
    Re-Textured | Resident Advisor | Carla Dal Forno, Gesloten Cirkel, Phase Fatale, Sync 24 - フライヤー裏