Culture - Pangaea and Will Lister

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    Pangaea (Hessle Audio) Will Lister (Phonica Records, ANMA) D/an + Test Press (Culture) Ollie (Dance Disease)
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  • 👑 PANGAEA + WILL LISTER Tuesday 26th February Wire £5 - £12 18+ After a wonderful party grooving with the K+F boys we are now taking things another step further. On duty for our third event we have invited a long-term favourite of ours: Pangaea- returning to where he emerged in Leeds as a senior figure on the ever prominent Hessle Audio. Joined by Phonica's signee Will Lister: a hot emerging name in the UK at the moment with his latest releases on ANMA and Eliphino’s Joy In Repetition. Joined of course by our lovely bunch of residents.
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