Outscape presents - The Launch /// Tom Jay

  • To start off the Winter & Autumn series in the heart of Sheffield. The latest Disco, House and Alternative Cuts will be played throughout the 25th to prepare us the festive period. Opening up in the new venue, it will be shown in all its glory on our streamed platform. What we do is more than just “an event”, it’s an experience which provides an escape from the norms of society - that is our aim. Set-up in 2019, Outscape are looking to create events all over the UK, in new and Obscure spaces which are submerged in local musical talent including the latest DJ’s and Promoters. We don’t just want to stop there......Outscape want to spread the word. This is why, every event we are part of, it will be live-streamed for the public to relive upon. Not only does this bring like-mind individuals together but, also introduces a new wave of people to share these unique experiences with. The Time is Now.
  • Outscape presents - The Launch /// Tom Jay - フライヤー表