Lola de la Mata: The Gaze // feat. Jennifer Walshe Neil Luck and More

  • ヴェニュー
    • 20 Carlisle Lane, SE1 7LG London, United Kingdom
  • 日付
    Thu, Nov 21, 201920:00 - 23:00
  • 興味がある
    • 1
  • ̸


    Lola de la Mata Jennifer Walshe Neil Luck Phoebe Collings-James Antonio Branco Riccardo T. Olivia Norris Bully Fae Collins Cecilia Bignall
  • シェアする
  • Nonclassical Associate Composer Lola de la Mata curates this vital evening of women, non-binary and queer artists making work now, bringing together a diverse programme exploring themes surrounding identity, gender and ‘the gaze’. The night blurs and challenges the notion of a one-directional concert experience, with music, installations and video colliding all across the space. Experimental composer-performers Jennifer Walshe & Neil Luck present their debut performance as a duo, sharing a common interest in the voice and esoteric live performance. Later on, Lola performs her confrontational I’ll Show YOU My G String, a protest piece celebrating fierce female and queerness. Introducing the night will be Phoebe Collings-James’s installation Mother Tongue, Mother Master which aims to decode the diaspora she has experienced as a mixed-race woman through her West-Indian British roots. Elsewhere, there’s Olivia Norris’s uncanny dance video SISSY FATIGUE exploring fetishised female blondeness, and female rage to the music of Bully Fae Collins. Lola also presents her work for cello Sway – performed by Cecilia Bignall – which, erm, rubs up against Glitter Dicks, a video work that’s exactly as explicit as it sounds, by queer performance art duo Antonio Branco & Riccardo T. Please note that this performance contains nudity.
  • Lola de la Mata: The Gaze // feat. Jennifer Walshe Neil Luck and More - フライヤー表