Resonant: Subtle Fury / Deepbass(UK) :

  • ヴェニュー
    • 106台北市大安區市民大道三段198號
  • 日付
    Fri, Nov 22, 201923:00 - 05:00
  • 興味がある
    • 5
  • Resonant pres. Subtle Fury - Deepbass(UK) 來自歐陸蘇格蘭的Deepbass,擅用帶有溫度而感性的低頻,伴隨冷冽而穿透的工業巨響, 以個人充滿森靈氣息特質打破對techno的既定印象。 踏進Deepbass的演出中,將置身於虛實迴盪的山谷,迷霧繚繞的峽灣映入腦海,當肌膚意識海水的濕溽時,早已臣服於柔軟卻窒息的漩渦中。 Resonant廠牌將以此行 帶給你蘇格蘭高地的音景意象,逐步而如不間斷的浪潮機械式地鋪陳,透過渾厚的低頻率,先抑鬱而後釋放內心深處。 Resembling to the enchanting gulf and the echoing caves, the forever lasting fierce whirlpool in Highland Scotland, is the warmth and humanity of dub meets the cold, precise, mechanistic impulses of techno from Deepbass. Music producer from the Green Place, will give you a night of low-humming echo, fierce-spinning whirlpool like rumbles, and spacious atmosphere of a clear sky. Resonant invites you all to this session we journey to invoke the hypnotic and atmospheric techno soundwave by Glaswegian Deepbass to cleanse your fury with his gradually built-up machinery soliloquy as the sounds resonate through the sub-bass over and profound. -- Deepbass (Informarecords) Deepbass是源自於Darren Roberts過去計畫的名字,曾經和Soma 、Edit Select Records、Dynamic Refection等各大廠牌合作,同時自己建立了Informa Records,2014年也曾在指標性的Berghain演出,現在他以巴塞隆納為基地持續推廣他個人調性鮮明的音樂,深沉而有流動感的呼嘯。 >Deepbass for TOYTOY Invites >Deepbass for MNMT Podcast >Deepbass RA page 活躍於西歐和南歐的Deepbass,從西班牙的Moog Club到柏林新興區域的Griessmuehle 都能發現他的蹤跡。 他特別喜歡"小而溫馨的場域,能與台前的舞客互動",相信這晚的B1會給他此行特別的體驗。 Deepbass (Informarecords) A Scotsman coming straight out of Glasgow, Darren Roberts, aims to hypnotize ravers with his deep and expressive techno soundscape. Known more by the name Deepbass, Roberts’ distinctive tunnelling techno architects a peculiar atmosphere of its kind easily distinguished. Originated from a project named Deepbass, he collaborated with Soma , Edit Select Records, and Dynamic Refection. He who established Informa Records is now based in Bacelona, journey of life today brings Deepbass to Taipei with his influencing deep roaring notes. Deepbass can be seen mostly in the west and the south of Europe, both inland and in the Kingdom. In year 2014, he played in the iconic Berghain, and expressed that “...dark and dirty space. Berghain was amazing, playing was everything I hoped and more, its true what they say there is a really special feeling in that place.” He can be found trace mostly at Moog Club in Spain, and the hip Griessmuehle in Neukölln, Germany. As he likes “smaller intimate venues where you have a close connection with the crowd”, we are sure that he will enjoy the exceptional night at B1. -- 時間 TIME :: 11/22 11pm-Late 陣容 LINE UP :: Deepbass(Informarecords) A-Ty Lin B2B Vice City (Oslated) Gary Chen(Resonant 共鳴) lemonfacer(PLAN 9) VJ :: Molly Pan Design by Tzi Guan Hung -- 地點 Venue :: B1 捷運忠孝復興站 1號出口, 安東街左轉市民大道步行10分鐘 MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station (Blue Line) Exit 1 票價 TICKET :: 預售票 Pre-sale Ticket: $500(with 1 drink) 現場票 At Door Ticket 單人票 Single Ticket: $600(with 1 drink) 三人套票 Package Ticket: $1,500(with 3 drinks) 注意 NOTICE :: 本活動須滿18歲並攜帶證件入場 Enter 18+ with valid ID
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    • 最終更新日
      5 years ago
    • プロモーショナルリンク
    • 料金
      Pre-sale Ticket: $500(with 1 drink) ; At Door Ticket: $600(with 1 drink) ; Package Ticket: $1,500(with 3 drinks)
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