A Tribute to Nujabes - Tribute to Nujabes on the 10th Anniversary of his Departure

  • ヴェニュー
    • Festae Omotesando Building B1F, 3-18-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan
  • 日付
    Fri, Feb 21, 202023:00 - 05:00
  • プロモーター
  • 興味がある
    • 51
  • ̸


    FIVE DEEZ FAT JON PASE ROCK DJ Chika a.k.a. Inherit DJ Minoyama DJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Current Marcus D Segawa Tatsuya (roph recordings) ????????(?????????) ???(SUBURBIA) Guinness & tribe crew (FK, Yan, Awane, Tsu) Libyus Music crew (NoSideMaster, Malus)
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  • ====================== 限定前売り券は完売致しました。 当日券は2月21日の23時より会場受付にて販売開始致します。 限定前売り券をお持ちのお客様より優先入場を致しますことをご了承ください。 当日は混雑が予想されますので、お早めのご入場をお薦め致します。 ====================== 【 Nujabes 10周忌追悼イベントが表参道VENTで開催 】 2010年2月26日に36歳の若さで天国へ旅立った稀代の天才プロデューサーNujabes(ヌジャベス)の10周忌を追悼するイベントが、2月21日(金)に東京VENTで開催される。 公演当日は、Nujabesにゆかりの深い海外アーティストのFive Deez、Fat Jon、Pase Rockが来日出演するほか、彼のレーベル<Hydeout Productions>の黄金期を支えたDJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Currentやケンモチヒデフミ(水曜日のカンパネラ)ら国内アーティストたちが一同に集結。Nujabesに捧げる楽曲をプレイする。 現代の音楽業界の流れとは裏腹に一切の宣伝活動を行わず、純粋に音=作品のリリースのみで世界中のリスナーから絶大な支持を得たNujabes。世界最大の音楽ストリーミングサービスSpotifyでは「海外で最も再生された日本人アーティスト」の上位にランクインするなど、国境も世代もジャンルも超えて今なお賛辞の声がやまない、彼の叙情的で美しい音の調べをぜひ会場で体感してください。 ====================== The advance tickets were sold out. We will sell the limited tickets of A TRIBUTE TO NUJABES at the door from 23:00 on 21st February. But we have limited number of entry to our venue. Customers who purchased the advanced tickets at RA can skip the line. We strongly recommend your early admission. Thank you. ====================== A memorial event commemorating the 10th anniversary of the passing of Nujabes to be held at Omotesando VENT On February 26th 2010, Nujabes, a true rare breed of producer, departed our earthly realm for the stars at only 36 years old - way too young... On Friday February 21st, VENT will hold a memorial event commemorating 10 years since his passing, in the Buddhist tradition. Artists who were close to Nujabes, like international artists Five Deez, Fat Jon, and Pase Rock will be making their way along with DJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Current, massive supporter of Nujabes' Hydeout Productions print during its golden era, as well as Kenmochi Hidefumi (of Wednesday Campanella fame) and other Japanese artists to celebrate the life and music of Nujabes. All tracks are dedicated to Nujabes. Nujabes gained massive support form listeners all over the world through his releases, which were purely about the music and completely devoid of commercialism, contrary to the current trend in the music industry. Nujabes has clocked in as one of the top streamed Japanese artists internationally on Spotify, a testament to border, generation, and genre transcending sounds created by a true master. Come and experience this tribute event with us, and commemorate the life and sound of a true sonic legend! - A TRIBUTE TO NUJABES Tribute to Nujabes on the 10th anniversary of his departure - DATE : 02/21 (FRI) OPEN : 23:00 DOOR : ¥3,500 ADVANCED TICKET:¥3,000 RA (https://jp.residentadvisor.net/events/1375660) LivePocket (https://t.livepocket.jp/e/4zdvr) iFLYER (https://iflyer.zaiko.io/_buy/1m2C:59k:1170b) tribe (https://www.tribe-shop.net/product-list/6) e+ (https://eplus.jp) FIVE DEEZ FAT JON PASE ROCK DJ Chika a.k.a. Inherit DJ Minoyama DJ Ryow a.k.a. Smooth Current Marcus D Segawa Tatsuya (roph recordings) ケンモチヒデフミ(水曜日のカンパネラ) 橋本徹(SUBURBIA) Guinness & tribe crew (FK, Yan, Awane, Tsu) Libyus Music crew (NoSideMaster, Malus) ※ VENTでは、20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。 ※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.
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