Draaimolen x De Pont presents: Eli Keszler

  • ヴェニュー
    Museum De Pont
    • Wilhelminapark 1, 5041 EA Tilburg, Netherlands
  • 日付
    Mar 5, 2020
    Thu 17:00 - Fri 20:00
  • プロモーター
  • 興味がある
    • 2
  • ̸


  • シェアする
  • Eli Keszler is a New York-based artist, composer, and percussionist that bridges the realms of avant- garde jazz and electronica. Equipped with a wide range of percussion instruments and electronic triggers, he crafts full-bodied and intense rhythmic patterns with his bare hands. His versatility and thirst for experimentation have led to collaborations with music nonconformists such as Keith Fullerton Whitman, Oren Ambarchi, Laurel Halo and Oneohtrix Point Never and solo releases on far- out labels like Rel Records, Shelter Press, and PAN. The event is free of charge for museum visitors and takes place in the exhibition space of De Pont. The concert consists of 3 sessions of 15-minute performances. De Pont Museum has free access for visitors every Thursday from 5 to 8pm. You can find more information about the museum at www.depont.nl
  • Draaimolen x De Pont presents: Eli Keszler - フライヤー表