[POSTPONED] -Dazed & Confused X Helpmelearnafrica: William Djoko

  • We are back with our first party of the new decade, and we are donating a 100% of the profits to a project very close to us, Help Me Learn Africa. We use the phrase “We Are the People” a lot. It’s not only you and us, that are all the people, this is a global thing. We often tend to forget how fortunate we are, they are so many people around the world lacking basic necessities, and this what we are trying to provide OUR people in Africa with. At the end of it all we are just one big family, and this what “We are the People” is all about, so if our brothers and sisters are struggling in other parts of the world, we want to help them out. This will now be our second year throwing a party to raise funds for them, last year we managed to raise over £2200. We are hoping to beat that this year!!!! In terms of artists, we bring your someone we have been following for a while, and has been making major waves over the last few years, William Djoko. Everyone involved is contributing something to this, we have managed to strike a very good deal with Boyds who intend on making a generous donation from there proceeds after the event, Paper & Pixels has donated the artwork, artist wise all the local acts (Monty, Tim Perera, Trinidad and Rej) are playing for free and even William has agreed to play for a reduced fee to help the cause. All that’s left now, is for all of you to get involved, and help us raise as much as possible! --------------- Line Up --------------- William Djoko: FB: https://www.facebook.com/wkdjoko/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/wkdjoko Monty FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/MontyProd Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/monty-uk Tim Perera: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tim-perera Trinidad FB: https://www.facebook.com/Triniidadmusic Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/triniidad REj FB: https://www.facebook.com/REj.Music96/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ethanratcliffe --------------- Additional Info--------------- The age for this event is 18 or over, proof of age is required. Anyone under age who purchases a ticket will NOT be granted a refund!!!! Loss of tickets will NOT be refunded by the organisers. Booking fee may apply when purchasing tickets online.
  • [POSTPONED] -Dazed & Confused X Helpmelearnafrica: William Djoko - フライヤー表