Virtually Nowadays: Roza Terenzi and Toni Yotzi

  • Nowadaysによる素晴らしいヴァーチャルシリーズにオーストラリアから2人のトップエレクトロDJが登場し、クラブマジックを撃ち放つ。
    Tomoko Naoshima
  • → → WHAT'S GOING ON? ← ← Two of Australia's most exciting djs (not to mention hometown friends and heroes) Roza Terenzi and Toni Yotzi are both known for their wide palettes and futuristic approach to retro sounds. Lock in for a night of extraterrestrial electro, breakbeat rave, current dubstep and more. → → VIRTUALLY NOWADAYS ← ← Welcome to Virtually Nowadays. Even though our doors are closed for the foreseeable future, we want to stay connected with our community and give Nowadays a chance of surviving through these unprecedented times. Virtually Nowadays is a nightly live stream from Nowadays that'll run between 8pm and midnight. We'll feature DJ sets, gear tutorials and/or discussions on topics relevant to our world (or a combination of all three). They’ll be broadcast live and direct at All live streams will be free and openly accessible to the public. To access the archive of these streams (and to help give us a chance to remain open through this uncertain time) please subscribe to our Patreon: Additionally, we’ll be running a Venmo fund throughout our closure to support our staff. Drop a few bucks their way at THANK YOU, AND STAY SAFE.
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      4 years ago
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  • Virtually Nowadays: Roza Terenzi and Toni Yotzi - フライヤー表
    Virtually Nowadays: Roza Terenzi and Toni Yotzi - フライヤー裏