UNCHAINED 4 Year Anniversary (2 Rooms Open)

  • ヴェニュー
    OIL Club
    • 11A Ground Floor, Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd, Futian District Shenzhen
  • 日付
    Sat, Jun 13, 202021:00 - 05:00
  • プロモーター
  • 興味がある
    • 2
  • Unchained Asia 4 Year Anniversary 惊风飘白日,光景西驰流 晃眼又一年,Unchained Asia 四周年生日快乐! Unchained Asia 中国最有活力的DnB派对组织 即将迎来他们的4岁生日 自2016年,Unchained在广州举办了第一场派对之后,漂亮的开门红无疑是让他们成为了国内DnB场景中燃起的新星。 2018年至2019年,Unchained连续两届,将云集了世界最顶尖的跳舞音乐人,享誉欧洲国民最期待的超大型的Bass Music文化盛会——Outlook音乐节的官方预热派对搬进了OIL Club。 4年时间里,Unchained已经邀请了众多优秀的音乐人为南中国打造了一个又一个精彩的玩家派对:DnB教父Fabio、英式跳舞音乐先锋DJ Zinc、DnB场景先驱dBridge、柏林先锋音乐人Current Value, 荷兰低音大师Fre4kncy,英国最大规模DnB厂牌Hospital Recoreds霸王人物London Elektricity等等。 现如今的Unchained他们致力于地下Bass文化,与此同时带着强大的多元性于创造力,和打破界限的信念,已是南中国具有相当重影响力和声势的活动平台。 6月13日四周年之际,Unchained旗下音乐人以及深圳本土的活跃DJ齐齐上阵以外,还将特别呈现来自英国震撼低音场景的音乐人ConRank! ConRank ConRank英国的DJ兼制作人,ConRank的早期音乐生涯中是一名Beat-Boxer,当时的UK Grime和Hip-Hop在伦敦盛行。ConRank非常幸运的结识了英国Beat-Box场景中的传奇人物Killa Kela,向他学习并成为了队友。 ConRank和Killa Kela完成了欧洲巡演之后,ConRank开始逐渐转型为卧室制作人探索音乐制作的领域并学习DJ技术,沉淀了几年后的ConRank在伦敦的“Secret Garden Party”上震惊了全场数千名听众。 在这之后ConRank游走于各大俱乐部与音乐节的同时开始在中国长居,一度被认为是居住在中国最有天赋且敬业的制作人之一,2012年ConRank逐步开始发行作品。 强势的作品发行与舞台上瞩目的表现力,ConRank引起了传奇人物DJ Shadow的注意。ConRank的作品中开始出现DJ Shadow的身影,并且在2016年DJ Shadow亲自邀请ConRank为他新成立的厂牌Liquid Amber发行曲目。 同年,Conrank在上海举办的Boiler Room中与来自OWSLA的Skrillex同台演出,在全球获得了4百万流量。 2017年,是ConRank蓄势待发的一年,发布了单曲 ,UK Grime和Bass roots与个人风格融合。同年,ConRank在因将Dubstep带入主流而闻名Circus Records厂牌旗下发行了四张作品。 以及同年3月22日,ConRank在Insomniac Events的子厂牌Bassrush Records发行了4张EP,Insomniac Events是北美最大的电子音乐节Electric Daisy Carnival的创办者。 ConRank被 称为“颠覆常规”和“将Dub,Trap和Bass带到了另一个次元”的人物。在全世界最重要的Bass音乐媒体之一的UKF的采访中,ConRank表示:“音乐赋予了我的创造力,我不会停下我的脚步,直到我制作出更好的作品。” Radiax 不要用一首音乐或者EP来定义他的风格. Radiax 的每一个新发行或者项目都在诠释新的融合。自 17 岁开始音乐制作和DJ生涯, 历经各种音乐风格和乐器的研习之后, 他将自己的声音注入到140-170bpm 领域。这种节奏给他宽广的施展空间去探索,发明和颠覆。 他的作品受到 Dohits,Babel Records,Ran Music,Unchained 等厂牌的青睐, 并发行了一系列单曲与EP。与此同时也获得了国内最富盛名的低音派对组织Syndicate的邀请, 成为其固定成员。 精良的作品甚至吸引到了传奇音乐人 Danny Byrd 的关注,将他的音乐带入 BBC 1XTRA Radio,也在全球 Adidas 三叶草旗舰店进行播放。并且大获好评 Radiax 已经与国内外诸多知名音乐人进行了合作,包括:周迅,何洁,张杰,小老虎,小青龙,Onjuicy 等等,一同创造新的声音。 值得一提的是,两个月前,Radiax成为第一个在全球最大规模且顶级的DnB厂牌Hospital Records中收录了一首单曲的中国大陆音乐人。但他仍然在不断探索,无论是为说唱歌手创作音乐, 还是每一次个人发行,合作或项目,Radiax 仍在书写新的篇章。 Daniel Power UNCHAINED联合创始人DANIEL POWER是南中国近年来DnB场景的头号派对组织者,实现了这些年来南中国Bass音乐场景从无到有再到如今的蓬勃发展。 从每月定期邀请众多国际知名音乐人来华巡演,频繁呈现绝伦盛大的低音现场,到与Lyndon Jarr在2018年一同创立Unchained唱片厂牌,Daniel Power仅用了几年的时间,就彻底扭转了深圳的DnB音乐场景。 曾经是深圳百大俱乐部Sector的音乐总监及常驻DJ,现在他是深圳先锋俱乐部OIL出现最频繁之一的主办方及音乐人。持续通过更多高质量的Unchained Asia音乐派对和发行助力推动着低音音乐文化在南中国的发展和壮大。 Daniel有着与世界范围众多知名音乐人同台演出的丰富经验,包括:dBridge, Logistics, Danny Byrd, Dynamite MC, Fabio, Shimon, London Elektricity, Chimpo, Anna Morgan, Kabuki, Kode9, Fixate, Black Barrel, Royalston, DJ Zinc, A.Fruit, Sinistarr, Subp Yao, Makoto, Mala, Royal-T, Elijah & Skilliam, Flava D, Goth-Trad, Arkaik, DJ Randall, Kasra, The Prototypes, DJ SS, Stray, Addison Groove, Swindle, Madam X,等等… Unchained Co-founder Daniel Power is the mastermind behind the recent eruption of Drum & Bass in South China and has been defining, developing and elevating the Bass Music scene in South China for years now. From hosting epic monthly parties and China tours with stellar international headliners to launching Unchained Recordings with Lyndon Jarr in 2018, Daniel Power has completely transformed the Shenzhen scene in just a few short years. Regularly touring across cities throughout China and Asia, playing in both developed and emerging electronic music scenes, he is often the DJ of choice as a club headliner, festival ticket and or support for some of the scene’s most respected touring artists. Whether he is playing alongside legends such as DJ Zinc, Mala or Fabio, or being the drawcard artist in cities such as Shanghai, Seoul or Ho Chi Minh, Power’s name carries weight. Whilst once the resident DJ and Artistic Director for Shenzhen ‘super club’ Club Sector, he now partners with the infamous Oil Club, pushing forward the scene via events and the many activities of Unchained Asia with his dedicated crew. Artists he has supported or shared the stage with include: dBridge, Logistics, Danny Byrd, Dynamite MC, Fabio, Shimon, London Elektricity, Chimpo, Anna Morgan, Kabuki, Kode9, Fixate, Black Barrel, Royalston, DJ Zinc, A.Fruit, Sinistarr, Subp Yao, Makoto, Mala, Royal-T, Elijah & Skilliam, Flava D, Goth-Trad, Arkaik, DJ Randall, Kasra, The Prototypes, DJ SS, Stray, Addison Groove, Swindle, Madam X, and many more… JD X JD X 是伦敦派对主办方 - Eastern Margins的主要成员之一。他土生土长于深圳,从Oil 的Open Decks活动获得了第一次演出机会。他至今还常常在Oil出没,为从各地而来的艺人做暖场。他最近在伦敦知名的地下音乐社区Keep Hush上作为嘉宾,而这个set几乎就呈现了他多风格混音的技巧。 Eastern Margins是一个位于伦敦,致力于推广东亚和东南亚国家多元艺术家的厂牌。同样也是为了打破外界对东亚地区音乐肤浅认知的标签,他们自2017创建以来举办了多个系列的活动并在活跃于伦敦NTS电台。 他现在Internet Public Radio上有常规的电台秀 - Unknown Dielectric。主要目的在于为本地艺人和朋友打造一个无限制的平台。他本人同时还在NTS Radio,Hotel Radio Paris,Balamii,Eaton Radio,Jerome Mixfile,香港社区电台和上海社区电台等等上做过嘉宾。他现场的音乐风格以多元化为主。 JD X is a one of the core members of the London based promoter/collective Eastern Margins which aims to create a physical space for South East/East Asian artists he is born and raised in Shenzhen, China. Having cut his teeth at Oil’s Open Decks events in summer 2018, he continued on to play regularly for Oil whenever he is back in town and has supported numerous international artists. Recently he played a set for the underground community Keep Hush in London, which could sum up his style of multi genre mixing. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD5dYEI-Gyc&t=512s) He also curates a monthly show on Internet Public Radio billed as Unknown Dielectric which focuses on creating a platform for local artists and friends. Past releases included artists such as Warmchainss, Xhankonkon, GG Lobster, 3ASIC and many more. His other radio appearances include NTS Radio (Monthly show with Eastern Margins), HKCR (Hong Kong community radio), SHCR(Shanghai community radio), Eaton Radio (HK), Hotel Radio Paris, Balamii, Jerome Mixfile and many more. In the club, he tends to stick to his principle of playing muti-genred. TN.EXE Tenille aka TN.exe,钟爱174bpm的Drum&Bass的同时乐于寻找所有即深度又独特带有高科技味道的音乐。她在深圳的OIL Club首次作为人称160bpm皇后Anna Morgan的support DJ之后,开始游走于各大派对之间The Upbeats (Vision, Bad Taste, Non Vogue), Whiney (Hospital Records), Sinistarr (Metalheadz, Unchained), Subp Yao (Methlab, Unchained) and Makoto (Hospital Records). Tenille aka TN.exe loves all drum and bass 174bpm but finds herself gravitating to the deep and more techy sounds. She debuted her first support set at Oil club Shenzhen alongside Anna Morgan 160bmp Queen (Worst Behaviour), followed by many more supporting roles with The Upbeats (Vision, Bad Taste, Non Vogue), Whiney (Hospital Records), Sinistarr (Metalheadz, Unchained), Subp Yao (Methlab, Unchained) and Makoto (Hospital Records). LEEVO 来自土耳其黑海的LEEVO在他还是小孩的时候音乐和舞蹈就成了他生命中最重要的一部分。他聆听着土耳其名族迷幻的律动跟随着传统鼓声跳舞,他的techno旅程和从The Prodigy,Bomfunk MC's 到了Richie Hawtin, Solomun。在2014年来到深圳并担任大型俱乐部的管理工作之后,他决定通过DJ的方式与他分享他喜欢的音乐。他对音乐的忠实与热爱受到大家的支持和尊重。 LEEVO的风格可是说是将欧洲风味与中东感觉融入了House&Techno。他的音乐合集总是能把舞池中的人连接在一块儿并且让大家感受到不一样的故事。从最开始的”the mantis project”,到后来的"detached”,他在中国南方城市与很多国内外优秀的艺人一块同台演出。目前生活在东莞市并负责Gangster酒吧音乐指导,同时不遗余力推动着那里的地下音乐文化。他和朋友在2017年底创办了他们的活动厂牌“UNTZ”,作为DJ和深圳本地最活跃厂牌的联合创办人,他与中国和世界各地的人们分享他的音乐。 From the Black Sea Coast of Turkey comes LEEVO.Music and dance has been the most important part of his life since he was a kid. He was dancing with traditional drums and listening Turkish ethnic ,psychedelic grooves ,also he was into Turkish HipHop. His Techno Journey starts from The Prodigy, Bomfunk MC's to Richie Hawtin, Solomun. After come to shenzhen and work at big club as manager at 2014 ,he decided to share tunes that he likes by DJing. With his dedication and passion for music, he got full support and respect. LEEVO created his own style by putting his taste&sense from middle east&Europe in to House&Techno.His Dj sets always well-connected with the dance floor and people gets different . stories from them.First with "the mantis project" later with "detached" he has shared the same stage with heavy local and international acts in southern China.Currently living in Dongguan City and music director at Gangster bar, spare no effort to push underground music culture. He started label “Untz” with his friend at end of 2017, As a Dj and co-founder of the most active local label in Shenzhen, he is spreading his music selections with the people all around China & the World. XHANKONKON 常驻深圳的XHANKONKON是一个既严肃又活泼的狠角色,他将自己的每次DJ演出都当作一场善意的战斗,而舞池则是这场战斗的前沿阵地。 如果在DJ台上看到了XHANKONKON,请不要惊讶于他的过分专注,因为战斗不允许任何差错。在他打桩机般的DJ Set中可能会听到从90年代到今天的许多舞曲风格:Techno、Hard Core、Grime、Dancehall、Euro Dance 都是他的拿手好戏,在各种节奏型之间反复横跳,当然也可能会有来自更古老时代的摇滚音乐——这全看台下的表现和他的心情。 XHANKONKON的音乐生涯开始于杭州最神经质的音乐厂牌Functionlab,并在那里发行了他的第一张个人EP 《查找失败》及单曲《Digital pig》、《XXX-ME》。目前他在深圳和Warmchainss运营着派对品牌“AGEUSIA”为深圳的电子音乐场景带来了一抹残暴的声音。 XHANKONKON, based in Shenzhen, is a serious and lively character. He treats each DJ performance as a kind-hearted battle, and the dance floor is the forefront of this battle. If you see XHANKONKON on the turntable, don't be shocked by his over-concentration, because the battle doesn't allow any mistakes. In his pile-driver-like DJ Set, you may hear many dance style from the 90s to today: Techno, Hard Core, Grime, Dancehall, Euro Dance are all his special skills, repeatedly jumping between various rhythm patterns And, of course, there may be rock music from an older age-It's all depend on the crowd and his mood. XHANKONKON's musical career began with Functionlab, the most nervous music label in Hangzhou, where he released his first EP "查找失败" and singles "Digital Pig" and "XXX-ME". He currently runs the party brand "AGEUSIA" in Shenzhen with Warmchainss, bringing a brutal voice to the electronic music scene in Shenzhen. Yangyang OIL Club主理⼈之⼀,FAR Radio联合发起⼈。对新事物充满好奇的探索者,在“学习”新⾳乐的同时喜欢“补习”各类过去经典的⾳乐。DJ时的理念是让⾳乐回归跳舞本质契合于当下的氛围,适当的时间点即兴尝试的不同于常的编排试验,相信冒险能带来新鲜可能性。 Co-founder of OIL Club, FAR Radio. Her DJ philosophy is to let music return the essence of dancing, and believes adventuring into each new atmosphere delivers and release opportunity. Shy Beef 半路出家,只想好好跳舞的害羞⽜⾁。 Co-founder of Double Fly Art Center, OIL, Silicon Kure, TURMOIL and FAR Radio. Rushing out of the mark, dancing for his soul, here comes Huiyuan, a mess of shy beef who indulges himself relentlessly in that dancefloor. 2020年6月13日 周六 21:00 - Late 2 Rooms Open Unchained 4 Year Anniversary - Line Up - 2 Rooms Open ConRank Radiax Daniel Power JD X TN.EXE XHANKONKON Shy Beef Yangyang LEEVO 为配合社区防疫工作,OIL Club 的舞池开放时间调整为 21:00 ,请各位提前到场。 In cooperation with the community’s prevention work, the opening time for our dance floor changed to 21:00 so please come early. 每日22:00前OIL Club将为大家提供全场酒水8.8折优惠,使用“至尊酱油卡”、“铁杆奶油卡”、“静候重启卡”消费的顾客同样可享受此优惠。 Before 22:00, we will have a 20% off discount on all drinks. Customers who hold a "Black Card", "Silver Card" and "A+B Card" can combine using their cards for an even bigger discount. OIL Club每日营业前都将使用84消毒水对地面、桌椅、角落进行全面消杀,让大家安全遇见好音乐。本店内配备有独立的新风系统,保证场内空气流通,全场不同地方均有放置免洗消毒洗手液,方便大家随时清洁双手 Before opening OIL Club every night 84' disinfectant is used to fully disinfect the floor, tables, chairs and all corners. Also, OIL has a special fresh air system to ensure fresh air circulation in the club. There is hand sanitizer placed at different stations throughout the venue, so that everyone can clean their hands at any time. We want everyone to enjoy themselves in a safe environment. 凡是进入OIL Club营业区域的顾客都需接受体温测量、过去30天行程查询、身份信息登记方可入场。为您带来的不便敬请谅解! All customers who enter the club must undergo a temperature check, provide a QR code scan that shows 14-days travel history, and identity registration before entering the venue. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. ———————————— OIL Tel(Also Wechat): +86 18617150566 Email: [email protected]
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  • UNCHAINED 4 Year Anniversary (2 Rooms Open) - フライヤー表