𓆰𓂃𓇷 Ostara 𓇚 – Innan Gryningen Livestream

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  • 日付
    Sat, Mar 20, 202119:00 - 01:00
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    19.00 Intro 19.30 Alexander Timarsson 20.30 FjÀder 21.30 Ostara ceremony 22.15 Flammentanz live 23.15 Nowhere Island 00.15 Outro
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  • Attend Through Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/466920337776933 𓆰 Although it may still be chilly in many regions, this time is the official beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere — it is the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, the moment of exact balance between the light and the dark. Ostara, which intertwines with the spring equinox, is the second of three spring festivals on the Wheel of the Year. Coming in between Imbolc and Beltane. While Imbolc tells us that the winter has come to an end and spring is coming, March IS spring. Now is a time to celebrate that being outside is starting to be more of a pleasure and that the sun finally has some warmth again. It is a time for celebrating the balance between extremes that is found amid the seasons. 🌱 Earlier this pandemic winter we have explored our way through different forms of reaching out to you all. We’ve gone from an evening with food, drinks and music. To a podcast. To an evening combining music with the concept of a podcast. And now we’re returning back to the source of it all – the expression through music. Both sung, performed as a dance, shown through visuals and played in dj-sets. Come join us digitally at our new location, for a whole evening of celebrating the light through music. During the night: 19.00 Intro 19.30 Alexander Timarsson 20.30 FjÀder 21.30 Ostara ceremony 22.15 Flammentanz live 23.15 Nowhere Island 00.15 Outro 𓆱𓂃𓆱𓂃𓆱𓂃𓆱 A gentle reminder of why it can be beneficial for you to think of the year in relation to these events. According to the pagan wheel of the year there are 8 marks for celebrations throughout the year. Four bigger ones (solstices and equinoxes), and four smaller (“in betweens”). – The Transformation (Samhain), which is 31st of October – The Rest (Yule) 21 December – The Spark (Imbolc) 1 February – The Promise (Ostara) 21 March – The Glow (Beltane) 1 May – The Light (Litha) 22 June – The Abundance (Lammas) 1 August – The Harvest (Mabon) 23 September Each and every one with different meanings. Designed to draw one's attention to what one has gained and lost in the cyclical turn of the year. If you align your life according to these events for a couple of years, you will notice how you are following the changes of the season in a different way than before. This can be especially rewarding if you live in an urban environment or don’t get out into nature that often. You’ll be able to reflect over the different meanings of each event and harmonise your own inner and outer rhythm to the wheel of the year and the changes of nature. We need these cycles to alternate between inhaling and exhaling, between rest and activity. To be here and now, reflect over the past and get inspired by the future! 𓆱𓂃𓆱𓂃𓆱𓂃𓆱 We continue to stay together even though we’re apart 💛 Lots of love Innan Gryningen 𓇚
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