Halloween Mclab Beijing

  • ヴェニュー
    Mclab Beijing
    • Langyuan Vintage Building No.7, 华贸 Chao Yang Qu, Bei Jing Shi, China, 100022
  • 日付
    Sat, Oct 30, 202122:00 - 06:00
  • 興味がある
    • 1
  • 起源于凯尔特人庆祝丰收的万圣节,象征着温暖的结束冬日伊始。而这一天死去的灵魂将会失去束缚,于世间畅游走亲访友。在这个危险但充满着温情的夜晚中,人们选择穿上奇装异服吓跑作恶的灵魂,布施糖果作为为亡灵祈祷的回报。浓夜已至,南瓜灯微微亮起,跟随着城市中漂浮着的若影若现的律动,我们有理由选择成为日常中想要却不能够变成的样子。放轻松,感受潜意识与电子音乐暗流涌动中的暧昧勾连,通过“新”的面貌徜徉在击打心脏的节拍之中。温热余韵,众灵起舞。 Halloween originated as a Celtic harvest celebration, symbolizing the warm end to the beginning of winter. On this day, the souls of the dead will lose their bonds and travel the world visiting relatives and friends. On this dangerous but tender night, people choose to wear strange costumes to scare away evil spirits and offer sweets in return for prayers for the dead. When the night is dark and the jack-o '-lantern is on, and the city is floating in a shadowy rhythm, we have a reason to choose what we want to be but can't be in our everyday lives. Relax, feel the ambiguous connection between the subconscious and the undercurrent of electronic music, and walk in the beat of the heart through the "new" look. Warm afterrhyme, all the spirits dance.
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