Polifonic Showcase Paris

  • In parallel with the two main summer festivals and the signature events between Milan, Puglia, and London, Polifonic is going to Paris for the very first time presenting a special showcase on May 28th, 2022 at Le Mazette. Polifonic continues to prove itself as a powerhouse of quality and versatility bringing the perfect mix of cultures and music shades into Le Mazette, the big club-boat on the Seine. In addition to the two Italian artists and Polifonic affiliated Jolly Mare and Rosa Calix, the console will be shared between Bawrut, the Madrid based and Italian born producer & DJ, Tom Trago, one of the leading lights of the Dutch electronic music underground, then Alexis Le-Tan and Joakim teaming up as Full Circle. Polifonic was founded as a festival in 2017 in Valle d'Itria, Puglia. Polifonic is a Made in Italy brand with an international spirit and a particular link with the territory that wants to enhance the natural beauty of the places. Since 2021 Polifonic is also a record label with already three releases out to now.
  • Polifonic Showcase Paris - フライヤー表