The Disco Express: Dicky Trisco, C'est Chic

  • * Tickets will sell out in advance. A small amount of tickets will be on sale at the venue. More £ on the door. The Disco Express welcomes you to The Prince of Wales Brixton for a night of disco hedonism, debauchery and late night dancing. This is London's Disco, Your Disco. — Regarded as one of London’s “leading disco labels” The Disco Express has garnered big support from the likes of Nightmares On Wax, Purple Disco Machine, The Blessed Madonna, TSHA, Hifi Sean, Folamour and Dan Shake for consistent high quality original releases and edits. Drawing inspiration from the energy of the 70’s New York and fusing it with the 21st century dance floor, The Disco Express parties are fun, inclusive, and where the good times take you deep into the night. From sold out warehouse parties at E1, to intimate loft parties at Shoreditch Platform and Metropolis, The Disco Express is building a community for disco & house lovers in London’s ever expanding dance music scene. Put on your dancing shoes and let our house become your house. _____________________________________________________ - Physical Scannable Photo I.D required for entry, (Passport, Driving License, National Identity Card) - Entry before 11pm ticket holders must be in the queue by 10:50pm or further charges may apply. Arrive early to avoid the queue. Last entry: 2am _____________________________________________________ This is dance floor debauchery in a disco paradise (across two floors!!) A truly unmissable occasion and we can't wait for you to join us... Full steam ahead. The Disco Express X


  • The Disco Express: Dicky Trisco, C'est Chic - フライヤー表
    The Disco Express: Dicky Trisco, C'est Chic - フライヤー裏