Jean-Paul Sartre's NO EXIT in Lisbon

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    Eva Blanche, Paul Empson, Nina Morena, Gui Pimentel
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  • A ripping new adaptation of the ever topical classic of existential angst by Jean-Paul Sarte, this new staging delves deep into the inner hellscapes that we carry within ourselves and the agony of their reflections in watching eyes. Prepare for the oldest game in town- Three players-one prize- perdition .Garcin, the croupier .Estelle, the vamp .Inez, the dice thrower Spin the roulette wheel of dark secrets- you never know when your number might pop up- This winter, join us for a festive tour of hell- Cold has never felt so alive! Adapted and directed by Ed Hooks Cast: Garcin- Paul Empson Estelle- Eva Blanche Inez - Nina Morena Attendant- Gui Pimentel Stage Manager: Georgia Beckmann Production Asst: Rita Baldaya Mari-Leen Peep Showtimes: Dec 8, 9, 15, 16 @ 20:30 Dec 10,11, 17,18@ 19:00 Info & Reservation : Promotor website
  • Jean-Paul Sartre's NO EXIT in Lisbon - フライヤー表
    Jean-Paul Sartre's NO EXIT in Lisbon - フライヤー裏