EGO 6th Anniversary

  • The end of an era. The beginning of a new year becomes an epilogue of what has been a 6-year journey. A journey made of lights, photographs, tattoos, videos, dances, and above all, music. Friendships were born and grew both in front of and behind the cabin. Under the watchful eye of those who gave us the privilege of following our work during this journey, we became better people, both as individuals and in the art that united us. We have also been through difficult times. We will carry the memory of those who left early wherever the future brings us. We survived together the punishment of mother nature that decided to isolate us for two years. But everything is worth it when on the other side are you. You, who throughout this journey have been there, on the track, from the first to the last second. On January 27th at Arroz Estúdios, our residents Manycure, Khalil Suleman, and XCI will be joined by our guests Meibi and Leote to celebrate our sixth anniversary and what will be our last event. Arroz Estúdios is a non-profit cultural association, a membership card is required to enter. *Membership card cost is €3, it's valid for the whole year and is paid at the door.
    • イベント管理人
    • 最終更新日
      1 year ago
    • 料金
      6€ early bird / 8€ online ticket / 10€ on the door *
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  • EGO 6th Anniversary - フライヤー表