• Homostash is returning to our iconic home Colours Hoxton to celebrate the start of spring in style! Expect hot techno and sexy queer disco across two floors! Techno room will feature: Tom Stephan (Superchumbo), DVD-C & resident Tafkanik Queer disco room: Harry Gay, PDG, Felixir + Martha Barbra Plus hot moustachioed poster star Marcello William on gogo duty alongside former poster star Nathaniel Ellul who will preform a laser show! Plus hosts: Daisy Puller, JVST TINA & Carlos Citoula! And no matter whether you have a moustache or are just an admirer… everyone's welcome to join!


  • HOMOSTASH Spring Rave - フライヤー表
    HOMOSTASH Spring Rave - フライヤー裏