O.S.T. with Nkisi, Dan Johnson, Lou Zon, Robin Stewart and aka.zato

  • every action creates a ripple O.S.T. takes one step closer to its eternal demise on march 17th at strange brew. join us for an unending night of polyrhythmic rooting and re-rooting, ritualistic transcendentalism, and opaque poetics. w/ nkisi [4 hour set]. nkisi is a musician, visual artist, and researcher who focuses on the intersection of rhythm and frequency with music, politics, and coloniality. melika’s sound challenges listeners to question the possibilities of music beyond an entertainment setting. from studying voodoo in ouidah to recent work in avebury, nkisi’s sound is situated in the vibrations of place. touch the vortex: embrace the mystery. ++ initiation from dan johnson x lou zon x robin stewart x aka.zato: improvised warm up xxperiment fusing dan’s dual gong installation and lou’s live visuals with DJ selections of robin and zato. xxtended 4am licence. all profits to a local charity + £1 from each ticket.
  • O.S.T. with Nkisi, Dan Johnson, Lou Zon, Robin Stewart and aka.zato - フライヤー表