Sunroof (Daniel Miller & Gareth Jones), Brood X Cycles & Finlay Shakespeare

  • The return of Sunroof (Daniel Miller & Gareth Jones) to IKLECTIK for an evening of further exploration into modular, analogue and digital processes. Expect modular improvised dronescapes and manipulated video sequences triggered by software connected to the live audio from Sunroof, who are celebrating a new album release, Electronic Music Improvisations Volume 2 (Mute). Nik Colk Void & Alexander Tucker will be melding their electronics into a maelstrom of burnt circuitry, deep kicks and insect clicks for this rare live set as Brood X Cycles, following the release of their debut collaboration, Sleep Nameless Fear (the State51 Conspiracy). Finlay Shakespeare will be bringing his work from the fringes of electronic pop to London from Bristol, ahead of the release of a new album Illusion + Memory (Alter).
  • Sunroof (Daniel Miller & Gareth Jones), Brood X Cycles & Finlay Shakespeare - フライヤー表