• .+°+. Contact us on Instagram to get the address (Neukölln) ! .+°+. -> @Laquarantaine or @Feurig39 Welcome to the colourful, kitschy, whacked-out world of Fantasia. La Quarantaine and Feurig 39 have teamed up to create an unforgettable experience in a secret Berlin location following the Karneval der Kulturen. Get ready for a world beyond boundaries and limitless possibilities. La Quarantaine, known for their mind-blowing parties in Parisian warehouses and iconic Berlin clubs, invites you to a space where you can break free from the mundane and embrace endless possibilities. Feurig 39, masters of themed gatherings in their extravagant salon, have built a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who love to express themselves in unique and unexpected ways. Now, these two collectives combine their creative forces to present Fantasia—an awe-inspiring fusion of their distinct styles and philosophies. More than just a party, Fantasia is a celebration that blurs the lines between reality and imagination, where music, art, and community intertwine to create an experience like no other. Join us for a night where time stands still, inhibitions fade, and dreams become reality. Let’s create an unforgettable celebration that ignites your senses and leaves an indelible mark. Save the date and stay tuned for more details. Welcome to Fantasia, where imagination knows no bounds and unity thrives. LINE UP - Carlo Marchetti (La Quarantaine) - Atlas Mob (Feurig 39) - LLY (La Quarantaine) - solito caleb (Feurig 39) - Groove Pool (Feurig 39) - XCESS (La Quarantaine) - Dominik Graf (Feurig 39)
  • FANTASIA - フライヤー表
    FANTASIA - フライヤー裏