Nachtdigital 13 - Day Two

  • Among the mass of electronic music festivals all over Europe, Nachtdigital stands out as a rare exception: Without featuring hundreds of artists on a dozen stages attracting tens of thousands of people, it still has become one of Germany's most beloved summer celebrations. Probably because at Nachtdigital, everything is on an extremely personal level: Handmade decoration, aspiring visual arts, carefully selected artists. And most important: A wonderful crowd. While many festivals claim to feature an intimate atmosphere, Nachtdigital actually delivers it: Despite its ever-growing popularity, ticket numbers are still limited to 3.000 pieces to preserve the typical holiday camp feeling Nachtdigital has become so famous for since its first edition in 1998. Quoting the Border Community blog: "With only two stages and an array of quirky handmade decorations, the Nachtdigital Festival is a friendly, cosy, intimate affair with a top quality electronic line-up and spot-on production standards."
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