Autechre + Max Cooper (Live AV/3D) + Actress (Live AV) + Giant Swan

  • A rare assembly of the UK’s most prolific experimental electronic artists comes together for a journey to the underground of sonic and audio-visual exploration. Step into the unknown with Autechre, performing in complete darkness. Since their 1987 inception, the English duo has altered the blueprint for electronic music with their computer-aided melodies, radical sound design, and labyrinthine rhythms. A mesmerising blend of intricately detailed sound with undulating, shifting 3D visuals by multidisciplinary artist Max Cooper will summon an immersive experience that is both masterful and moving. Off the back of his latest release, seminal producer Actress plays a set of hazy extractions and rugged beats accompanied by a live AV show featuring visuals from artists Óscar Monzón and Tom Hicks. Meanwhile, across a table of machines and pedals, duo Giant Swan will perform a live set of energetic techno, quaking bass, and hypnotic noise. In a sophisticated harmony of cutting-edge innovation and musical prowess, each artist pushes at the raw edges of electronic music. A sensory odyssey awaits.


  • Autechre + Max Cooper (Live AV/3D) + Actress (Live AV) + Giant Swan - フライヤー表