Mysteries Of The Deep & Chemistry Creative present: VARIATIONS

  • VARIATIONS III Featuring live performances from: Sync Sapro ~ SYNC SAPRO (B. 1988) is an NYC based experimental sound & video artist obsessed with expansive, often heavy, textural drone, the outer fringes of the sonic frequency range, and the psycho-physiological effects of aural phenomenon. With a penchant for the elemental, mutated, and surreal, they are perpetually refining their ritualistic relationship to sound as a vehicle for accessing catharsis and transcendence. Their live sets utilize hardware and software synthesis techniques, heavily processed field recordings, auditory illusions & and spatial exploration to immerse and transform. Their primarily generative video work has explored analog and early digital approaches as well as more recent visual programming techniques in Touchdesigner. Their approach to video emphasizes a fascination with cross-modal sensory exploration and textural nuance. They have performed and have shown their work in Austin, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, and New York City. Detroit Bureau of Sound ~ Live electronics, amplified cactus, and a ton of drums comprise the auditory arsenal of Detroit Bureau of Sound aka ZacDBS. A fondness of everything loud developed at a young age and led DBS through boom/crash classical percussion study into the realm of big PA systems blaring analog synthesizers in dark rooms. DBS's musical persuasion comes from unorthodox techniques of experimental composers from the past hundred years - Iannis Xenakis, Wendy Carlos, John Cage, and ultimately the futuristic dance music from Detroit known as techno. It could be said that DBS is fundamentally inspired by our relationship with sound as a species; that since the dawn of humankind, rhythm and pitch have been tools of communication, morphing into language over time, then into "ear art" beyond the bounds of spoken expression. With a mess of modular synthesizers and some fun sonic party tricks, DBS's music enables deep listening environments for controlling mind, body, and energy. The Spiral ~ Oliver Chapoy is a New York-based composer and producer. His debut album as The Spiral was released on Mysteries of the Deep, May 2021. Oliver heads A&R for Mysteries and served as mixing engineer for Christina Chatfield's debut album release, Sutro. Visuals from Candace Price & Chemistry Creative. D&B Quad Soundsystem Spacious seated environment This event will be streamed live – hosted by Chemistry Creative & Bandcamp Live. Follow the link below for live stream tickets!


  • Mysteries Of The Deep & Chemistry Creative present: VARIATIONS - フライヤー表
    Mysteries Of The Deep & Chemistry Creative present: VARIATIONS - フライヤー裏