Changeover Festival 2023

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    Giant Swan, The KVB, Aisha Devi, Soyuz, Horse Lords, Nappy Nina, 3H Company, Jazzbois, Omni Selassi, Igralom, OXY (СОН & Alexander Golyanov), Mai Mai Mai, Yegor Zabelov, Šumski, Haiku Garden, Vex, Marzahn, Left For Pleasure, Seminar, Sujevera, Blankenberge, T.G.T.B., Galatheia, Dima Midborn, Bitcevsky Park, Izleti, Jesss, Headhop, so_any, Eegor, Sonas, Lucidvox DUO, Dzezzbolah, Laplander, Gruppa IL, KADM, PTTD, Galatheia, Celldöd, Oligarkh, CLARA (FR), Cactus Fields, Khramtcevich, Vanity Productions, Lufthansa, Zimbru, Japanese Television, Fotbal, Inturist, Fardi, Black Swells
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  • 4-day-long multi-genre music festival with over 50 artists depicting the new European scene The second edition of Changeover festival will take place from October 11 to 14 in various locations in the heart of Belgrade, including clubs and cultural centers, a temple, factory space, and distinctive venues such as the Anglican Church, DIM, Dom Omladine, Drugstore, KC Grad, and Guvernanta. With over 50 artists and 30 delegates, the festival will showcase the innovative works of both established and emerging musicians from throughout Europe. These music freshmen will present their experimental vision across various genres, accompanied by leading edge performers. Experts from the music industry, including journalists, club and label owners, and festival organizers, will engage in open talks and discussions about today's music scene. Among the first wave of performers are Giant Swan, an electronic duo from Bristol; Horse Lords, promising newcomers to the art rock circuit from Baltimore; a cult hip-hop formation from St. Bossanova, and dozens of other bands from various cities and genres that cannot be listed in just one breath. DAY 1 | Opening Concert: Yegor Zabelov DAY 2: Aisha Devi, Soyuz, Jazzbois, Eegor, Sonas, Jess, Lucidvox DUO, Dzezzbolah, Headhop, Laplander, Gruppa IL, KADM, PTTD, Galatheia DAY 3: Giant Swan, OXY (СОН & Alexander Golyanov), 3H Company, Omni Selassi, Nappy Nina, Fardi, Mai Mai Mai, Left for Pleasure, Celldöd, Vex, Marzahn, Oligarkh, Clara, Blankenberge, Cactus Fields, Seminar, Black Swells Haiku Garden, Khramcevic, Vanity Productions DAY 4: Lufthansa, Zimbru, KVB, Horse Lords, Japanese Television, Igralom, Fotbal, Šumski, T.G.T.B., Inturist


  • Changeover Festival 2023 - フライヤー表