De Samenzwering

  • On January 27th, for the second time in history Multigroove will join forces with another party promoter - for a proper rave conspiracy. De Samenzwering is an event put up with an organization with authentic rave dna. These are hard to find, but in NMNH (Nooit Meer Naar Huis) we found the perfect partner for a follow up to the first Samenzwering in 2019. This one makes us very, very proud and excited. The line up for the second ever edition of De Samenzwering! In recent years, techno and hardcore have grown to each other in soul, groove and BPM. So here we are, with a next level range of artists: two worlds united in the true spirit of rave. The start of a new era? As far as we, NMNH and Multigroove, are concerned it is!
  • De Samenzwering - フライヤー表