De Blauwe Aanslag | Chaosy, Costa, Ichi the Killer, Jana Woodstock

  • Death by the visitation of God. A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now: After some hours, the dogs, exhausted by running round, almost dead, their tongues hanging out, set upon one another and, not knowing what they are doing, tear one another into thousands of pieces with incredible rapidity. Yet they do not do this out of cruelty. One day, a glazed look in her eyes, my mother said to me: ‘When you are in bed and you hear the barking of the dogs in the countryside, hide beneath your blanket, but do not deride what they do: they have an insatiable thirst for the infinite, as you, and I, and all other pale, long-faced human beings do.’ Since that time, I have respected the dead woman’s wish. Like those dogs I feel the need for the infinite. I cannot, cannot satisfy this need. ___________________________ DE BLAUWE AANSLAG 13.01. - Supamolly Jessnerstraße 41, 10247 Berlin ⸸ Chaosy ⸸ Costa ⸸ Ichi the Killer ⸸ Jana Woodstock ⸸ Visions Of Lizard ⸸ Zombieflesheater ⸸ Madame Psychose Ritual - Noise - Electro - Jungle - Drum and Bass - Breakcore - Tekno ⸸⸸ No bullshit behavior, no oppression, no nazis, bipocs & queers welcome, from each according to their ability to each according to their needs Telegram @aanslag IG @de_blauwe_aanslag If you don't kill yourself tonight you'll live a thousand years.


  • De Blauwe Aanslag | Chaosy, Costa, Ichi the Killer, Jana Woodstock - フライヤー表