Truelove. with Andrew Devine b2b Elliot Holt + Matt Long (mono_cult)

  • We're back at Kirkgate's Doghouse Bar & Bagel Shop once again for another free party. This time we welcome two people who have contributed an enormous amount to the Leeds dance music community over the years. Many of you will know Andrew as the sound as they come dude behind Natural Selection & Adaptations and the DJ programmer at Belgrave, Headrow House and WLBH. We share a lot of the same tastes in music and after floating the idea between us for what feels like forever, he'll play a long awaited 4 hour b2b with resident Elliot Holt. Also with us is Matt Long, who started his journey in the late 00's with mono_cult and has since played an important role in a number of renowned Leeds venues and music events. mono_cult ran for 10 years and became one of the most iconic parties in the North. It was an essential for any Leeds music head in its time and one look at their past bookings is an admirable reflection of their efforts. Matt also provided some of our earliest and most important opportunities when it comes to running events. Without this, it's fair to say we would not be doing what we do in the same capacity today and it's a pleasure to come full circle and finally have him join us at our own. As always we hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you there.
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  • Truelove. with Andrew Devine b2b Elliot Holt + Matt Long (mono_cult) - フライヤー表
    Truelove. with Andrew Devine b2b Elliot Holt + Matt Long (mono_cult) - フライヤー裏