Mutarte presents: Year Zero by Awaken

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    Room 9: BOHEM GRETA (2) Room Art: Awake Natura
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  • Cada inicio es una oportunidad para despertar, para crear un impacto y elevar la conciencia social. Así ha nacido Awaken, los invitamos a "Year Zero", para unirnos en la misión de generar conversaciones significativas y actuar para construir un mañana mejor. En este encuentro, nos sumergiremos en conversaciones significativas, en la música y el arte, exploraremos nuevas perspectivas y actuaremos juntos en pos de un futuro mejor. Nuestros valores de Bienestar, Sostenibilidad, Curiosidad, Amor y Crecimiento Personal serán el motor que impulse esta experiencia inolvidable. Mutarte se une a esta causa, aportando su perspectiva cultural a través del arte. Creemos que el arte tiene el poder de abrir puertas y generar conexiones significativas que pueden impulsar el cambio social que buscamos. Porque cada comienzo está cargado de energía y es esencial para dar el primer paso hacia el arte del buen vivir. Únete a nosotros en Hostel Unite, donde daremos vida a una experiencia que inspirará y motivará. Qué esperar: DJ Set Live Painting Make up Energy Dance Tarot Reading Energy Dance Timeline 17 to 19: Free Welcome Drink - Tarot Reading 19: Awaken Presentation 19:30: Energy Dance Workshop 20 to 23: Live DJ Set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every beginning is an opportunity to awaken, to create an impact and to elevate social consciousness. That’s how Awaken was born, and we invite you to "Year Zero" to join us in the mission of generating meaningful conversations and take action to build a better tomorrow. At this gathering, we will immerse ourselves in meaningful conversations, music and art. We will explore new perspectives and act together towards building a better future. Our values of Well-being, Sustainability, Curiosity, Love, and Personal Growth will be the driving force behind this unforgettable experience. Mutarte joins this cause, bringing its cultural perspective through art. We believe that art has the power to open doors and create meaningful connections that can drive the social change we seek. Because every beginning is full of energy and is essential to take the first step towards the art of good living. Join us at Hostel Unite, where we will bring to life an experience that will inspire and motivate. What to expect: DJ Set Live Painting Make up Energy Dance Tarot Reading Timeline: 17 to 19: Free Welcome Drink - Tarot Reading 19: Awaken Presentation 19:30: Energy Dance Workshop 20 to 23: Live DJ Set


  • Mutarte presents: Year Zero by Awaken - フライヤー表
    Mutarte presents: Year Zero by Awaken - フライヤー裏