• In the sultry embrace of the night, a gang of radiant souls emerges, each a glowing spark in the vibrant fabric of our queer community. They are rebels, seductively dancing on the edge of defiance, their very existence a sensual proclamation of liberation. These gangsters, with their piercing gazes and confident strides, personify the tantalizing thrill of resistance. They flirt with danger, with desire, embodying the daring spirit of a gang bang — intense, exhilarating, unashamedly bold. In their gathering, there's a charged intimacy, a dance of lingering glances and suggestive touches, hinting at deeper, more carnal connections. They are protectors of each other's flames, guardians of a shared passion that burns brighter in their unity. Their unity is like a sensual dance, bodies moving in harmony, each motion a testament to their collective strength and individual desires. The thrill of the gang bang is mirrored in their interactions — each connection, each shared goal, is a stroke of pleasure, a moment of intense belonging. This gang is not just about rebellion; it's about the intoxicating power of being seen, understood, and desired. In their embrace, they find not just safety, but an electric joy — the ecstasy of standing together, fighting as one, in a world that often tries to dim their light. Join our GEGEN Gang and be a gangster in this dance of life, where every step is a flirtation with freedom, every heartbeat a rhythm of queer liberation. Here, in the midst of this sensual rebellion, you will find not just a gang, but a family — a home where love is the most thrilling, most rebellious act of all. ▄ Awareness: Yellow Vest Team ▄ Harm Reduction Stand: SideKicks.berlin | Sonar ▄ Art Performances ▄ Playground: Darkroom | Slings ▄ FLINTA* Darkroom (Female / Lesbian / Intersex / Non-binary / Transgender / Agender) This space is exclusively designated for FLINTA* individuals only. We kindly request everyone to acknowledge and respect this space. Artwork courtesy of Bruterdam Graphics & logo by Enrico Bardin ▄▄▄▄ DRESSCODE ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Gangster, robber, biker, masks, punk, glamour, studded belts, chokers, metal chains, corsets, body harnesses, leather, latex, lace, or simply bare. Wear the worst version of yourself proudly. A rigid selection will be put in place on this basis. No casual wear. ▄▄▄▄ IMPORTANT ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ The ticket allows multiple re-entries. ▄ Online purchased tickets are not refundable. ▄ Being in possession of an e-ticket does not guarantee entry, we reserve the right to deny the entrance, refunds will be processed when this happens. (RA refund policy applies) ▄ Please calculate the time for the full process of getting into the club ▄▄▄▄ HOUSE RULES ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ Being in possession of an e-ticket does not guarantee entry, we reserve the right to deny the entrance, refunds will be processed when this happens. ▄ In order to protect each other's privacy, the use of image-recording devices is prohibited in all areas. ▄ We want you and our other guests to feel comfortable, regardless of gender, religion, race, class, or sexual orientation. ▄ Please make sure there is consent before approaching any physical contact. Gegen is not a place for discrimination, sexual harassment, or violence. ▄ If you should observe or experience an inappropriate situation, please don't hesitate to contact our yellow vest awareness team or any of the staff at the bars/coat check, guest service, or our door crew. ▄ Those who do not comply with these rules will be invited to leave. ▄ Join our Telegram group for advanced reduced tickets and more updates.
  • Gegen Gang - フライヤー表