
RA Tickets


Wharf Chambers
Fri, 21 Jun
  • A new night featuring the more experimental and weirder sides of trance, hyperpop, hardcore, nxc, hyperflip, techcore, breakcore (and everything in between). ---------------------------------------------------- Diiither /ˈdɪðə/ verb: diiither; 3rd person present: diiithers; past tense: diiithered; past participle: diiithered; gerund or present participle: diiithering 1. application of noise designed to randomise the rave, preventing large-scale pattern simplification caused by standardisation of nights out. 2. to remain undecided yet comfortable with any outcome; embracing spontaneity. "They preferred to diiither, letting the moment unfold naturally." noun: diiither 1. a state of nervous excitement or agitation. "all of a diiither, he prophesied instant chaos" 2. a manner of indecisiveness that lacks urgency for a resolution. "After hours of diiither, they remained open to any outcome."
  • Diiither - フライヤー表