Secret Island Nation - Reunion Party

  • Apart from x-mas, there is one family union that one must attend every year...SIN "mascot" Franco Bianco explains: "Thanks Secret Island Nation for all this love. This edition was the BEST soooooooo far. I fell in love with many many people, and i really miss and love everyone of you! Thanks, to teach us the real value of community, where everyone has the same status, by collaborating and helping the other just for the pleasure to do it, where everyone takes care about the nature and its environment, and for remembering us that the VIP and capitalism... SUCKS! Secret Island Nation teaches that a different world is still possible." Specials 1. FÖRFEST! (=PRE-PARTY): Before the party starts, it would be cool if all the original Sweutschers (i.e. everybody who has been in Sweutschland yet) could meet and greet, chat and laugh, make fun of each other and to exchange memories in an more intimate and calmer environment. Therefore, we have reserved a room in the Renate Bar at 22:00 for original Sweutschers where a sneak preview of the SIN videos will be shown. 2. If you still wear your SIN festival bracelet you don't have to wait in the line but may enter the club through the guest list entry and only pay half price, i.e. 5 EUR. You also have access to the backstage floor. Loyalty pays off, right? ;) 3. We offer super-early-bird-tickets for 2011 for 40 EUR at the party and you already got excellent x-mas gifts. ;) 4. SIN PHOTO & VIDEO AWARD
  • Secret Island Nation - Reunion Party - フライヤー表