Soeurs Malsaines is Berlinsane


RA Tickets

Soeurs Malsaines is Berlinsane

Lokschuppen Berlin
Fri, 7 Jun
  • YO BERLIN, IT'S YOUR NEXT FAVORITE TROUBLEMAKERS! WE'RE ROLLIN' IN HOT! YO BERLIN, READY TO GET DOWN AND DIRTY??? 'CAUSE WE'RE BRINGIN' THE FILTH! ON JUNE 7TH, SOEURS MALSAINES IS BERLINSANE BERLIN IS BURNINSANE BURNING IN BERLIN WITH SOEURS MALSAINES SOEURS MALSAINES crew is crashin' Berlin, and we ain't holding back ! Lockschuppen, get ready to push the limit of insanity ! We're packing kicks, beats, and more attitude than you can handle. Lockschuppen may be big, but trust us, you won't miss us 'cause we'll be the ones raisin' hell. We're here to ignite your party spirit, but watch out, because we're also the guardians of good times. No room for haters. No transphobia No sexism No racism No LGBTphobia Nofatphobia / body shaming—period ! So read the damn rules before you crash our party, 'cause this ain't your problematic uncle's party. For this party we are bringing some of our dearest DJs from France but also some Berlin guest to celebrate the amazings artists living in the capital of electronic music <3 Line-up curated by Clarissa Ferrari


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