• While basking in the afterglow of our season opener last Sunday, we're excited to announce the sixth session of Patio. On Sunday, July 7th, we'll dive into the storytelling realm of techno, guided by a selection of apprentices and masters of the craft. Prepare for an uplifting yet introspective dance floor journey, commencing outdoors in our Courtyard and gradually progressing deeper into the depths of the Colorfloor. Leading us through this gathering: ✧ Ignez ✧ Nick Moody ✧ Ø [PHASE] ✧ Sandrien ✧ Wispelturig While this is an outdoor event, we'll move the party inside if the weather turns unfavorable. Rest assured, we've got you covered! Join our Patio Telegram channel to access discounted tickets and stay updated on the unfolding of our story. Patio [6] Sunday, July 7 15:00 - 02:00 Lofi, Amsterdam
  • Patio [6] - フライヤー表