Luminosity Before The Energy

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    [b]Timetable[/b] [u]Westerunie[/u] 21:00 – 22:30: Tucandeo 22:30 – 00:00: Agnelli & Nelson 00:00 – 02:00: Super8 & Tab 02:00 – 03:30: Leon Bolier 03:30 – 05:00: Bryan Kearney [u]Westerliefde[/u] 21:00 – 22:15: Stonevalley 22:15 – 23:45: Mike Foyle 23:45 – 01:15: Marcus Schössow 01:15 – 02:45: Vast Vision 02:45 – 04:00: Ernesto vs Bastian
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  • Leafs are falling, temperature is dropping, memories of the awesome summer are in the back of your mind, therefor it's time to look ahead. Times change and some concepts too but Luminosity will hold on to their strategy: bringing you intimate events with the best atmosphere and trance line-ups you can probably find. Luminosity has gathered some of the finest names in trance music nowadays and will showcase these massive names in 2 rooms. Westerunie and Westerliefde will open at 21:00 and close again at 05:00 in the morning. The Westerunie is located in Amsterdam, as suitable venues are scarce in Utrecht and a lot of our foreign fans are staying in Amsterdam the whole weekend, this unique location is by far the best for Luminosity Before The Energy! This year Luminosity will go "historical style" with the Westerunie and Westerliefde as both were part of a huge industrial plant. Westerliefde used to take care of energy for this site and thats where Luminosity steps in. Luminosity will embrace the historical value adding some 2011 Energy. Result will be a night to remember. Date : Friday 18 February 2010 Location : Westerunie & Westerliefde, Amsterdam [b]Tickets[/b]: [b]Travel Information[/b] The Westergasfabriek is located close to the centre of Amsterdam and can easily be reached by car, bike, tram or bus. Public transport between Amsterdam and Utrecht is available 24/7! Click]here for extra travel information. Join our online community!]Facebook - [url=]Hyves[/url]
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