Turnalicious / Raving Loony Birthday

  • ヴェニュー
    Kulturhaus 73
    • Schulterblatt 73 20357, Hamburg
  • 日付
    Fri, Mar 25, 201111:00pm - 6:00am
  • プロモーター
    Raving Loony
  • 興味がある
    • 2
  • Happy Birthday Raving Loony Records! It's Independanceday! The lunatics celebrating one year of raving and electrifying parties. Like every 4th friday Team Turnament is ready to shock the crowd. But this friday we let all the monkeys out of the cage! The australian half-god So Called Friend plays his new single FEET, Brain Fu*kt will mess with your minds, Dubstepmonster Love The Cook will serve a special meal for y'all and also ManoLoco is ready to drop some spice in the pan! So be there for high voltage electro and genius Mash-Ups FOR FREE! - Raving Loony Records feiert 1 Jahr Unabhängigkeit. Das wird natürlich gebührend gefeiert. Team Turnament wird zusammen mit seinen Label-Member das Haus abreissen! Und niemand geringeres als So Called Friend, Brain Fu*kt, ManoLoco und Love the Cook werden das Haus rocken! BAÄÄÄÄÄNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG! Turnalicious Party / with Team Turnament (Raving Loony Records) Elektro, MashUp, Dubstep & Maximal Rave Presented by Raving Loony Records Mit: Team Turnament, So Called Friend, Brain Fu*kt, ManoLoco & Love the Cook Am: Freitag 25.03.2011 / 23:00 Im Haus III&70 / Eintritt: For Freeeee :) An jedem 4. Freitag im Monat im Haus III&70: TURNALICIOUS
  • Turnalicious / Raving Loony Birthday - フライヤー表