10 Days Off 2011 - Day 1

  • 17 years ago, 10 Days Off started as 10 Days Of Techno. Today, almost every electronic music genre can be seen and heard at the festival. 10 Days Off has become a landmark in the international electronic music scene. The festival welcomes artists, clubbers, music lovers and media from all over the world. The festival has its own character and style, built on its pioneering decisive choice for programming electronic music. The duration (10 days), location (indoor, in the beloved beautiful building of the Vooruit Arts Centre) and the period (during the Ghent City Festivities) add a bunch of extras to the festival and the experience for its visitors.
    • 最終更新日
      12 months ago
    • 料金
      € 15 / Combi: € 67,50 + € 2 fee
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  • 10 Days Off 2011 - Day 1 - フライヤー表