Live Performers Meeting

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    VEhF, 01xy, 1 minute 69, Subphonik, elecktromarv...
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  • The ninth edition of LPM - Live Performers Meeting - kicks off on 19th May 2011.LPM offers a unique chance to be involved in four days of av performances, vjing, workshops, panel discussions, product showcase which will bring together an amazing community of vjs, audiovisual artists, new media practitioners and thinkers worldwide. LPM will take place at the recently renewed Cinema Aquila, a multi-purpose cultural space dedicated to cinema and visual arts. Venue consists of three floors and includes 3 cinema halls set up with the highest technological standards, foyer and other spaces dedicated to the social interaction. artists from France, Hungary, Italy, Germany, United States, Spain, Belarus, Netherlands, Slovenia, Russian Federation, Poland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Albania, Greece, Switzerland, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Portugal, New Zealand, Chile, Ukraine, Andorra, Canada, Argentina, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Belgium, Colombia, India, Denmark, Macedonia (performances, workshops and showcases.)