Streets Of Beige Warehouse Party with 2562, T.Williams and Lukid

  • After a blitzkrieg of winter and spring parties featuring everyone from Knxwledge to Shortstuff to Fred P to Cupp Cave, we're pushing the boat out before the summer with an EPIC end-of-May lineup featuring almost everyone who's pushing the boundaries of beats and bass... 2562 (When In Doubt/Tectonic) After releasing his 3rd album through his new label When In Doubt, compromising entirely of micro-sampled disco hits, 2562 will headline with a 2HR SET to take the party deep down into the belly of the beast. Those unfamiliar should also check out his seminal 'Unbalance' LP: dark 2-step and garage from the depths of Berlin warehouses. T.WILLIAMS (Deep Teknologi) If his groove-laden work with Deep Teknologi wasn't enough, T.Williams took a hard left and hit everyone with some tight UK funky releases. With the stunning 'Heartbeat' providing a soundtrack to many-a-summer, here he'll be spinning a wide mix of what makes him tick and you tock. LUKID (Werk Discs) It would be difficult to find a UK producer who has had such a wide ranging influence on the current roster of young talent, but Lukid confidently owns this category, with his terrifyingly spectral releases on Werk Discs proving to be seminal works in left-field beats. YOUNG MONTANA? (Alpha Pup) Watching YoungMo's rise has been awesome to watch. Not least because his early sets evoked more IDM than actual song-structure, but that he's matured so quickly into a live tour-de-force and has released a strong pitch for album of the year with his debut 'Limerence'. S.MAHARBA (BTS) Having been years ahead of the game and released some of the most intense and heartfelt hip-hop these shores have witnessed, S.maharba may be the producer's producer but when he exits the bedroom for the stage a tornado of sample trigger ensues. one of the best live acts you will EVER SEE. LAPALUX (Pictures) 2011's golden boy who effortlessly kicks out hazey, head-fuck gems every other day (accompanied by delightfully unsuitable music videos), Lapalux makes experimental cuts for girls to dissolve to. His live wizardry is an unstoppable blur of chops and starts. PATTEN (No Pain In Pop/Werk Discs) Evoking the throbbing warmth of early Orb tracks and with a lo-fil visual sensibility to boot, Patten's set for a huge year with an LP on No Pain In Pop and an EP set for the lefter-than-art-leftfield Werk Discs. Having already smashed a plethora of venues this year, he'll be showcasing the aforementioned releases live for us at the warehouse. DROP/DEAD After the frightfully forward thinking XLR8R picked him up last year, Drop/Dead has been on a steady rise to bass stardom with a smattering of summer releases et to tear up 2011. His DJ sets betray the bass sound he's so closely associated with, instead opting for a Chicago-led house sound that defies his young years. JEEKS Disco/house/funk phenomenon Jeeks has already kicked out about 12 number one's you've never heard, but live they're all flaunted to full effect with an uncompromising stomp that relives the vibe of Odyssey, DJ Falcon and every square-waved funk hit you did or probably didn't hear. An untapped source of French party madness. TWITTER @streetsofbeige
  • Streets Of Beige Warehouse Party with 2562, T.Williams and Lukid - フライヤー表
    Streets Of Beige Warehouse Party with 2562, T.Williams and Lukid - フライヤー裏