Silvouplay Live

  • ヴェニュー
    Mora Mora Café
    • 27, avenue de Port-en-drô, 56340 Carnac, France
  • 日付
  • プロモーター
    osorno records
  • 興味がある
    • 2
  • ̸


  • シェアする
  • Silvouplay in concert at Mora Mora Café. The proud and brawling electro of Frenchmen who wants the dance floor at their feet. A synthetic roaring riff, the bass rumble, a beat that crushes the beetles, a loop exploding disco : it's France sir., and more specifically Versailles, homeland of all these dance floors’ filtering compressions and rumbles. Silvouplay is a little like Top Gear TV show after fifteen Redbull: hilarious cars, and mechanical Madness, turning too fast, dizzying. Silvouplay pushed to its extreme, the stereotypes of French Touch: baroque melodies, ethereal chanting, but also outrageous groove and brutal rock. The titles have been enough to write this column: they say Something Stupid, You Rock the Dancefloor or Nod your fucking head, and it is indeed a joyous and frenzied mix of all of this. (JD Beauvallet)