The Radio 1 Warehouse Project Launch Party

  • Last year saw 100,000 people flock to the city from all over the UK to attend what was widely considered to be one of the most ambitious live music projects undertaken for years. It was a huge risk and many believed that a city like Manchester simply couldn't sustain that number of massive events over only three months. How wrong they were... The 30 events took the city by storm and for that period, Manchester was the only place to be. By the end of it all the WP crew were tired and very weary, but so incredibly pleased with the way things had turned out. The whole project had really been a massive experiment, and a huge risk but one that had been worthwhile. At that stage they were dubious as to whether they could or would have it in them to start all over again but after a break they were itching to get cracking. As the Warehouse Project’s Sam Kandel observes, “after listening to the feedback from all those who attended Beneath The Streets, we realised we did really have to do The Warehouse Project 2007 in the Store Street venue. It’s not as big as last year (1800 capacity), but the atmosphere and the sound over those three days was absolutely amazing. We were looking at a few different options for this year, but we feel that this is definitely the right decision. It feels quite surreal that this is all about to kick off again - we're not really sure if we're ready for it! The line-ups for this years parties are still under construction. Taking some of the highlights from last year and adding some amazing acts in to the mix its shaping up to be even stronger than 2006. The Warehouse Project have been working really hard trying to get all the line-ups in and its been difficult trying to better last year. “Its 80% there now,” states Sam, "but some big announcements are still coming. We're really pleased with how it's all looking." Below is the skeleton of what is confirmed so far. As was the case last year, there is a lot sill to come... “For twelve weeks... This city is ours�