Grooveland Campout

  • GROOVELAND CAMPOUT - Groveland, CA - June 15,16,17 2012 Hosted by: STRANGERS & ACQUAINTANCES In just under three hours along a scenic drive away from the hustle of the Bay Area lays an expansive territory at the edge of the beautiful Yosemite National Park. It is a raw palette of land that each summer since 2008 has hosted a new experience for an intimate, tight-knit crew of techno loyalists in the forest woven with Manzanita trees—nature's projection screen. As lights dance on these trees and under their mossy trunks along trails that mystically wander, guests come from all nooks of the region to congregate for a pause in the woods; a moment to twirl in the sun and sleep under the stars or dance with them, while grooving to some of the more experimental and classic sounds available this side of the Rockies. For this year’s campout, there will be two stages: the main stage featuring sound design by KNOW:AUDIO, and a second stage that will be a faithful recreation of a legendary SF venue, with creative 360-degree AV reinterpretation by WILL EROKAN & M. EAGLE. New to this year’s Grooveland is a day-trip shuttle to Don Pedro Lake to take in some of the park edge’s natural beauty! Port-a-potties and handwashing stations are available, but no showering areas are available, so wet wipes are recommended. Vendor and volunteer information to be posted on this event page soon!
    • イベント管理人
    • 最終更新日
      12 years ago
    • プロモーショナルリンク
    • 料金
      $45 early bird, $50 pre-sale, $more at gate
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