Delete & U.M.H.S present Move D, October, Leif & Joe Ellis

  • After five years of off-beat parties in locations ranging from their base camp in Bournemouth to London, Bristol, Cambridge and, er, Kent, Delete has been searching for another town to settle in; one that will appreciate it’s twisted vision of what electronic music is about, whether it be the groove of house music, the headspace of techno, the bass pressure of dubstep or the plain strangeness of electronica. When an opportunity arose to bring this rhythmically inclined gospel to the seaside jewel that is Brighton, it made perfect sense. After all, we have grown up with the sea air in our rasping lungs when emerging from whatever lengthy sweat fest we’ve just put ourselves through. Over our tenure at Dusk Til Dawn and then onto our legendary residency at The Winchester, the list of names we’ve brought to Bournemouth is surprising even to us. From micro house heroes such as Akufen and Mike Shannon, to dubstep renegades Pinch and Appleblim, via renegade jackers Bodycode and Lerosa and slinky groovers Tom Ellis and Tom Demac, we’ve always placed quality above fame and in the process been witness to some life-changing events. As such, we didn’t want to hold back with our first chance to smash the chunnel out of Life, Brighton’s premier destination for left-wardly minded beats, and as such we’ve drawn on some trusted friends and some downright heroes to make sure the vibe is pure and intense for all present in the bump n’ grind of the night. First up, we’re very proud to be bringing Move D to Brighton for the first time. David Moufang has a career that stretches back to the early days of techno, and having moved through various dreamlike realms of electronica and ambient, we now find the happy German at the absolute peak of his powers, with a strong slant towards high-grade house music. When he plays live, he weaves a cadence that seduces even the stoniest heart, and when he DJs he inspires unbridled positive emotion from all present. With records that get even the nerdiest spotters in a twist, we just had to have him along for two hours of prime wax jams. As a foil to the direct pleasures of Move D, we wanted to draw on a wild card to reflect the adventurous nature that exists at the core of Delete. Who better to call on than the ever-blossoming Bristol maverick that is October? From his early incantations in arcane techno, through to his jacked-out house abstractions, the man works like a shaman of the beat. His choice in records confounds as it simultaneously pins you to the dancefloor, creating a mysterious charm that has never failed to astound us or anyone we know. In recognition of the magnitude of this party, we felt it only right to be reaching out to our friends to come together in the spirit of Delete, and we were chuffed to bits when Leif and Joe Ellis asked to come on board with their new project Until.My.Heart.Stops. After kicking off their party series back in February with a road-blocked event in Dalston, the pair wanted another chance to bring everyone together for a right royal knees up ahead of Freerotation next month. As residents of the mythical music festival, Leif and Joe’s instinct for the finest house music has always been in tune with Delete’s attitude, so it’s an honour to be throwing this party with them. Just wait until you hear what their accompanying label has in store. That just leaves it to the Delete residents to marinade the proceedings. A driving philosophy behind our party has always been to recognise the importance of our residents. As the DJs who shape the identity of the night, all too often these trusted spinners get overlooked, but never so with us. You can be sure that, as well as providing sonic nourishment at the start of the night, the crew of Sam Smith, Dan Orchard, AJ Reynolds and BMO will be steering the latest part of proceedings towards unknown but ultimately satisfying realms of hedonism. We can't wait to party with you all again x
  • Delete & U.M.H.S present Move D, October, Leif & Joe Ellis - フライヤー表