• Lookin' Good! Returns in June...! This month we welcome back Australia's First Lady of House, Kate Monroe, as well as Sydney's favourite, Craig Obey. Also returning to the main room at Lookin' Good! is Jamie Kaye after his top set at our launch party in February. Also appearing in the main room is newcomer, Ben Kelly as well as Lookin' Good! residents, Mark Dynamix and Adam Coverdale. In the Powder Room we continue to showcase female up and coming Sydney talent, by welcoming two newcomers Kashika and Mish. Louisa Travers is back after a great set in April's Lookin' Good! which featured Alan Thompson, as well as Lookin' Good! Powder Room resident, Marina. Main Room Kate Monroe Craig Obey Mark Dynamix (resident) Jamie Kaye Adam Coverdale (resident) Ben Kelly The Powder Room Louisa Travers Kashika Mish Marina (resident) Don't forget to email names to [email protected] to get the names of your group on the $15 concession guest list. List shuts 8pm Saturday 5th June. Everything's Lookin' Good!