the End of the World Party

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    Madlib Del the Funky Homosapien Joe Nice Shigeto The Widdler Sub.Mission Residents
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  • The countdown to the apocalypse is on. We’re less than two months away from Dec. 21, 2012, the date that the ancient Mayan Long Count calendar allegedly marked as the end of an era that would reset the date to zero and signal the end of humanity. But will it? In January, we asked if you were aware that a Shift in human consciousness was occurring? We did. With our events in 2012- we had one goal- to move people- through SOUND, not hype. Join us for the FINAL celebration of the 2012 year and quite possible the FINAL celebration of our lives!!! We could only go out one way and that is at Cervantes with all of you! On December 21st, Sub.mission and Cervantes Present: THE END OF THE WORLD PARY
  • the End of the World Party - フライヤー表