Bringthenoise#028 Meet Neutra Music LAB Pres.: Giorgio Roma & Vettel + Mirabelli

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    Giorgio Roma ( Fiesta Privada / Rockets & Ponies rec. / NEUTRA ) • • Vettel ( NEUTRA ) • + MIRABELLI ( BringTheNoise )
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  • Neutra Music Lab About Us: Despite the fact that Ciociaria has always been home to many events, it was the first time that a reality like Neutra made possible for many djs to perform, demonstrating that it is not the usual local organization. Not finding Ciociaria’s clubs adequate to its needs, neutra’s staff decied to create it’s own club, recalling the Berliner style,providing a high quality sound system and becoming one of the most important clubs between Rome and Naples. - BringTheNoise#028 Guest list: 335 1289962 Respect the silence • Save the Underground Thanks to
  • Bringthenoise#028 Meet Neutra Music LAB Pres.: Giorgio Roma & Vettel + Mirabelli - フライヤー表