Plex / Colony / Bleed - PCB

  • Brothers Plex and Colony team up at the best underground dance spot in London for a face-melting 12hr, three room rinse out, and this year have joined forces with the mighty BleeD, responsible for an healthy number of the capital's best alternative club events of late. The line-up says everything, spanning full-force techno, UK bass, electro, acid, IDM, noise and, we hope, lots of genres we've never even heard of. Plex boss room 1, Colony room 2 and BleeD room 3. Funktion-One delivers throughout. Adding to the gravity of the occasion, meanwhile, there are no less than three birthdays to celebrate on the night: Plex hit the heady heights of 7 years young, Colony make it half a decade and BleeD bring in their 3rd. Oooft. See you front left speaker! P/C/B x
    • イベント管理人
    • 最終更新日
      8 years ago
    • プロモーショナルリンク
    • 料金
      £5 / £8 / £10 / £12 / £14 / £16 / £18 / £20 OTD
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  • Plex / Colony / Bleed - PCB - フライヤー表
    Plex / Colony / Bleed - PCB - フライヤー裏