Haha's 9th Birthday with Hunee

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    Hunee, D&D aka Dean Dixon & Dave Fernandes, Matt Trousdale & Pete Dot (People Must Jam)
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  • Come, put your hands in the air with us as we celebrate our 9th birthday shindig! Hunee is a whirlwind of a Dj, a force of nature one cannot fully appreciate or fathom until caught deep in the thick of it. Ask any dance floor veteran who luckily caught him on his last jaunt around Australia. A true shirts off, shoes off, sweatbox of mayhem was brought upon these fair shores! As a much lauded sound provider Hunee's very well known for reaching deep into the unknown & secretive realms of the finest ass shaking Boogie, House, Techno & well aged Disco that one can comprehend. A jet setting, man in motion indeed we're extremely lucky to have secured him for a second tour of Australia at a time when it means the most to us here at HAHA. Because, on this night, we celebrate 9 god dammed fine years of subterranean dance against the popular powers that be. On this night we drop bombs on the "what has been & gone", making way for "what will be" - obliterating any conceivable notion of ceasing this late night dancing force. On this night we ask all the original house party revellers, all those willing to make the monthly jaunt to an inner city ramshackle pub, all the fine sea fairing sailors, and all the truly committed soldiers who've joined ranks with us near and far... Come home to HAHA and help us blow out our 9 birthday candles!
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